What to do?
I’m a victim
Do not find excuse for his behavior. Nothing justifies the use of violence. It’s not the norm.
Talk about it! This will help provide adequate support for you as well as for him.
Don’t blame yourself; it’s not your fault.
I’m a parent, a friend, a witness
Listen, without judgment!
Believe what she tells you.
Ask her how you can help her.
Encourage the person to learn about specialized resources that could provide help. It’s important to break the silence and the isolation.
Her security must remain a priority. Ask her if she is in danger and what she needs to be safe.
Don’t hesitate to get support yourself. Being well equipped will help you cope with the situation appropriately.
Report the situation.
I’m an aggressor
Don’t blame other people.
Recognize inadequate behavior.
Get support… Talk about it! You need help.
Who should I talk to?
Who to contact?
- SOS Violence conjugale (24/7)
1-800-363-9010 | Website - Tel-jeunes (24/7)
1-800-263-2266 | Website - CAVAC
(Crime Victims Assistance Centre) 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
1-866-LECAVAC (532-2822) | Website - Sexual Assaults line (24/7)
1-888-933-9007 | Website
- SOS Suicide jeunesse (8 a.m. – midnight)
1-800-595-5580 | Website - Ligne Parents (24/7)
1-800-361-5085 | Website - Jeunesse, J’écoute (24/7)
1-800-668-6868 | Website - NeedHelpNow.ca | Website
- Police Service in your area